Greedy doctors don’t want us to know about it…  

Because they can sit back & cash-in on the low-t epidemic that plagues more than 30 million men in the United States alone…

Usually prescribing expensive pills and injections that once started… there’s little to no chance of stopping.

BUT there’s been a recent breakthrough
Some Are Calling It “Testosterone In A Glass”
With the power to reverse low-T. And…

Unlike prescription pills… you don’t need strict diets or even exercise to make it work…

In fact… you can likely eat less healthy and still improve your testosterone levels

But you have to use this strange mixture to do it… And I’ll share the exact formula with you in a second…

First—you need to know something important…
With the power to reverse low-T.

And unlike prescription pills… there’s no need for strict diets or even exercise to make it work…

In fact… it’s possible to eat less healthy and still improve those low test levels


This strange mixture is the only way we’ve found to do it… we’ll share the exact formula in a second…

But first… there’s something important we should share.
There Are Common Products In Everyone’s House…
That Are Sucking The Test Right Out Of Our Bodies!
When we showertalk on the phonetouch a plastic water bottle

… even when we wipe our own ass!

I don’t know how it happened… But…
Just About Everything Has Traces Of
Estrogen In It These Days…
Which is a HUGE problem for guys like us. Because…

Estrogen is a female hormone… And when we eat it… drink it… or even touch it…

It absorbs in our bodies…

As a result, we can get weakfat… and fall off our “game” at work, in the bedroom and everywhere else…

And I hate to say it… But virtually no one can tell the difference anymore…

We’ve been infected by estrogen contamination so long it feels natural… In fact
Doctors Claim If We Use Any Of The Following Products, Our Testosterone Levels Could Be In Grave Danger!
  • Air fresheners…
  • Body spray…
  • Bottled water…
  • Cash register receipts…
  • Canned foods or drinks…
  • Cell phone…
  • Chewing gum…
  • Chicken soup…
  • Cologne…
  • Dairy products…
  • Grains…
  • Laundry detergent…
  • Non-organic fruit…
  • Non-organic meat…
  • Non-organic vegetables…
  • Nuts…
  • Plastic bags…
  • Plastic bottles…
  • Plastic wrap…
  • Shampoos…
  • Shaving cream or gel…
  • Sleep aids…
  • Soy products…
  • Toothpaste…
  • Toilet paper…
  • Vegetable oil…
  • Vinyl shower curtains & flooring…
  • And more… (2) (3) (4) (5)
It’s no wonder men’s testosterone levels are plummeting… and getting worse everyday…
It’s An Estrogen Minefield Out There!
According to a study from the University of Madrid, the low-T epidemic
puts males at risk of dangerous side-effects like…
  • Erectile Dysfunction…
  • Low Sex Drive…
  • Increased Body Fat…
  • Muscle Loss…
  • Fragile Bones…
  • Man Boobs…
  • Insomnia…
  • Sleep Apnea…
  • Infertility…
  • Depression…
  • Mood Swings…
  • Brain Fog…
  • And more… (6) (7) 
A Study From The University Of Washington Says: Men With Low Testosterone Have An 88% Greater Chance of DEATH! (8)
That’s a staggering number… When I heard it my brain started racing with emotions.

Bouncing back and forth between...

Trappedworriedpissed off

As much as I wish I could quit talking and hand out the solution to low-T right now…

There’s something we need to go over before I reveal it…
Some Will Say “I Already Got A Pill From The Doctor, I’m Good!” But In Reality…?
Test Pills From The Doc = SCREWED!
Because traditional t-boosters don’t protect us against estrogen invasion… Actually…

One study from Cornell Medical College found that testosterone injections and pills make it worse… (9)  

Because when adding “foreign testosterone” to our bodies… a chunk of it goes through a process called aromatase
Which Is A Fancy Way Of Saying:
 It Converts Into Estrogen!
The greedy pigs at Big Pharma don’t want us to know that…

There’s a lot they don’t want men to know about our testosterone…

Because as long as it’s in the pits… we’re going to keep coming back to them…

We’re all in desperate need of a solution for erectile dysfunction, obesity, and Alzheimer’s. (just to name a few)...

What they won’t tell us is that “adding” testosterone to our bodies doesn't actually help…

If we don’t subtract estrogen at the same time

BUT the good news is there’s a completely natural way to do that! - Because…
Certain Chemicals Have Been Shown To Fight Estrogen
And Skyrocket Testosterone Levels…
They’re called phytochemicals

And a recent study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found they mimic estrogen

In order for our body to produce LESS of it.

Plus, they block estrogen receptor sites in the body too! (10)

Which lowers the effect of estrogen in muscle tissue…

What’s more? These green plants contain a chemical called Indole-3.

And a study from North Shore-Long Island Jewish Research Institute found Indole-3 prevents aromatase

And keeps testosterone from converting to estrogen… (11)
Phytochemicals Hidden Inside These Superfoods
Act Like A Defense Shield Against Estrogen…

So where can we find them?

Well, they exist most commonly inside green vegetables

Like spinach… kale… and bok choy…

But here’s the problem…

An average serving of greens doesn’t have a strong enough dose of phytochemicals to do anyone much good

We need more greens… a lot of them.

But listen closely…

Eating more greens is NOT the answer
A Hospital In Finland Found Eating Too Many Vegetables
Can Ruin Our Testosterone Levels! (12)
See - vegetables are high in fiber…

And the study found that high fiber diets cause testosterone levels to plummet…  

Which was shocking to the medical community… So a research team from Los Angeles Medical Center did a similar test to see if it was true…

And found the exact same result! (13)

Now, don’t get me wrong… It’s not that feasting on some greens will kill all testosterone

Several studies show that eating a diet rich in greens is good for men… (14) (15)

But TOO MANY might!

Studies have even found that…
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, & Cabbage…
Could Slow Down Our Thyroid, Make Us FAT, & Cause Muscle Loss! (16) (17)
A study from Oregon State University found eating too many greens will cause a condition called hypothyroidism

Which shuts down thyroid hormones… and throws the body out of whack…

When that happens, our body stops producing testosterone. (18)

And without it, it’s virtually impossible to build muscle or get lean…

It’s scary to think about, but...
Our Testosterone Levels Could Be IN DANGER!
Never in a million years would I have expected things like plastic bottles, receipt paper and toothpaste to cause low-t…
If someone would’ve told me a year ago that eating too many vegetables puts my testosterone at risk… I would’ve laughed them out of sight…

But I didn’t find all this out by sitting on my hands and listening to daytime television…

Hi, my name’s Chad Howse

Author of The Man Diet—a best-selling book that gives men the formula to boost testosterone levels with every meal…

And it wasn’t until I was knee deep in hundreds of scientific studies that I realized how much garbage we’re being fed every day

From family physicians to health/fitness magazines… hell, even Dr. Oz.

We’ve been force-fed misleading health advice for years…

But it’s not our fault…
The Doctors In White Coats On Television Have Lied To Us All…
The reality is… The world doesn’t really give a rat’s ass about testosterone levels

So when so-called “experts” recommend certain diets or foods…

They don’t consider what impact it’ll have on male hormones

The only reason I stumbled across this information is because I’m a testosterone specialist… Otherwise…
I Never Would’ve Known How Toxic A Plastic Bag Could Be For Men
But I don’t want to suffer from erectile dysfunction or early heart disease… I’m still a young guy!

And if my test levels start to sink now… they’ll be dead and gone by the time I’m 50…

Now, I know a lot of us have completely ignored our hormones until this moment...

But there’s a good chance they’re on their last leg… they may even be lower than some women…

Which is why, in a moment I’ll explain how to:
Raise Test Levels
From The Dead In 6 Seconds Or Less!
But first…

I’ll explain how to avoid common diet mistakes that no one is talking about
Man Diet Mistake #1: Vegetable Overdose
A study from Kansas State University found when eating too many vegetables… we decrease the health benefits of other foods… (19)

Because when we fill our belly with veggies, the gut enzymes get distracted…

And put all their effort into digesting the fiber…

And don’t absorb other nutrients like protein or healthy fat…

Which makes it impossible to boost low test levels…
In a minute, I’ll show exactly how to get the right amount of vegetables into our daily diet…

… and how to get an explosion of estrogen-blocking chemicals too…

Doing this can boost testosterone with ease…  

And make it easier to get bigger, stronger and leaner overnight!
Man Diet Mistake #2: Full On Fiber
Whenever someone is trying to lose weight… they eat a lot of fiber…

Because fiber tricks the body into thinking it’s full… (20)

And that’s a fine idea for women… but it won’t work for us

Men need to eat like men if they want healthy testosterone

And a high-fiber diet makes us too bloated to eat like men…

Getting high testosterone is widely known as the BEST way to drop fat and get lean…

… but we can’t eat enough food to feed our testosterone if our bellies are full of fiber… Instead…
A study from the University of Melbourne found we only need one thing to lose fat and build muscle…


Without adding any exercise or even eating healthier… (21)

And in a moment I’ll explain the amazingly simple way to skyrocket testosterone levels naturally by 540% in 6 seconds or less.
Man Diet Mistake #3: SHBG Explosion
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that fiber increases the amount of SHBG in the body… (22)

SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) is a glycoprotein that attaches to testosterone and makes it useless

I like to think of it like a game of “freeze tag”.

SHBG “tags” free testosterone…

And once it does, that testosterone can’t do anything we need it for

It’s unable to help build muscle, burn fat, or upgrade on libido…

And so we’re stuck with an underperforming body and boring life

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

It’s that simple…

You can fill your body with fresh testosterone in one gulp. And best of all, it won’t be tied up by SHBG…

Which means it’ll do what it’s actually meant to… make us stronger, better in bed, and add more drive in our lives…  

In just a minute, I’ll share the secret to getting this dose of free-T.
After learning all this, I needed to find a way to help men get all their greens into one sitting without risking a fiber overdose

Eating 4-6 cups of vegetables was too risky

Because, as we know, too much fiber lowers testosterone…

… and too many greens might put us at risk of a thyroid problem…

Yet, if we don’t consume a lot of healthy greens… we’ll miss out on those important phytochemicals that fight estrogen…

And that’s when it clicked…
The Secret To Lowering Estrogen
Isn’t Eating More Vegetables… It’s Consuming The Important Phytochemicals Inside Them!
All we really need is a heavy artillery dose of phytochemicals

and a convenient way to load up on them with just a few swigs in the morning

And it tastes so good we can actually look forward to it!
So I Created A BRAND NEW FORMULA That Can Make Men Stronger, Hornier, And Healthier Man Each Morning…
Can Boost Testosterone + Lowers Stress
  • Discovered inside an ancient Indian document called the Ayurveda… ashwagandha was once used as an “antidote” for aging, stress and tumors… and is now shown to skyrocket test production from our brain to our balls! (23) (24)
  • One of the most powerful adaptogens on the planet… (adaptogen is a fancy way of saying ashwagandha has been known to lower stress and anxiety hormones and put the body in picture perfect hormonal balance so that we might perform at our best all day long.)
  • An Indian study group found this 8,000+ year old herb can lower stress hormones by 30%. (25) (26) … And helps launch the mind into a free fall for a deep and restful sleep the moment our head hits the pillow each night… BONUS: The better sleep qaulity, the more testosterone the body can produce…
Horny Goat Weed:
Known To Boost Testosterone + Improve Sexual Performance
  • Ancient legend has it a farmer noticed his flock of goats chowing down on this herb… and got extremely horny because of it! So he tried some on his way home… and pleased his wife all night long
  • AND a chinese study discovered horny goat weed can triple test levels! (27)
  • Revered by some as “The all-natural form of Viagra”… This herb is a PDE-5 inhibitor, meaning it relaxes muscles and increases blood flow all over the body (including downstairs) so that we could get rock hard erections that last until our partner is worn out between the sheets
Maximizes Androgen Receptors
  • Recently praised for its rapid belly melting ability, forskolin can work like a furnace inside the bodyand melt stubborn flab with ease! (28)
  • Forskolin increases cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels (cAMP) which switches on the signal for our bodies to increase the sensitivity, amount and activity of testosterone… (28)
  • Enhancing the amount of androgen receptors we have in our upper body with forskolin can multiply this number in a flash so we can show off our best physique to date
Can Boost Libido + Lower Anxiety
  • Before the United States became a nation, the great Incan Empire ruled North America… and used this powerful root to do it… Because maca can reduce anxiety and keep our minds laser focused at all hours of the day in order to dominate any opponent in every environment… (29)
  • Maca could take your sex life to a whole new level! An Italian study found a single dose of maca upgrades sexual desire, erection quality and even makes for a better lover… (30) (31)
  • Vegan bodybuilder and 3x Natural Mr. Universe, Bijan Anjomi used maca root as his “secret weapon” to chisel out a champion physiqueat ages 51, 52… and 60! (32) … mix it with the rest of this greens recipe and you may be able to do the same!
Beet Root Powder:
Stimulates Blood Flow + Erectile Health
  • Longing for a head-turning pump at the gym? Beet root powder is known as nature’s pre-workout for massive muscle pumps… Because it opens up the blood vessels by supplying a heavy dose of nitric oxide…
  • A Japanese study found the nitric oxide from beet root powder can give harder and stronger erections… in order to satisfy our partners with ease… and on command! (33)
  • WARNING! The University of Wisconsin found that the chance of having erectile dysfunction increases every decade after 30… But beet root powder has given thousands of men the key to youthful vitality between the sheets… (34)
Flavored With Natural Orange:
Blocks Estrogen + Tastes AMAZING!
  • In need of an estrogen detox?
  • One of the best ways to do it is with citrus fruits, like an orange… it can rid male bodies of feminizing hormones and thrust test levels to back their peak with every delicious sip!
  • A study published by the University of Wisconsin found oranges can protect men from turning into a woman by keeping our testosterone from converting to estrogen… (35) (And they taste delicious!)
The World’s Most Potent Test - Boosting Greens Are Combined Into One SUPER Mixture…
I’m shocked that no one’s done this yet…

Because it’s as easy and honest as combining the best-researched and proven testosterone-boosting herbs into one supplement for men….

That also protects against estrogen contamination…  

Using only raw ingredients that can take the mind & body to the next level.

The way I’ve created this blend makes it cheaper than most tubs of protein powder at our nearest supplement store…
The First And Only Greens Supplement Formulated For Men That Has The Power To Increase Test Levels, Lower Cortisol, Experience Higher Energy And Boost Sex Drive All In Under 6 Seconds… Using Hardly Any More Energy Than It Takes To Flip On A Light Switch.

Uniquely Formulated With The Perfect Portion Of Vegetables, Powerful Phytonutrients To Protect Male Hormones, And Filled With Raw Herbs That Can Skyrocket Testosterone Levels Naturally

And With A Natural Orange Flavor It Can Excite Your Taste Buds And Block Estrogen At The Same Time!

And it hits the average daily greens intake right on the nose… every time!

Plus, fiber won’t get in the way of proper digestion or nutrient absorption.

Instead… The vitamins and nutrients inside my new one-of-a-kind greens powder gives the body a chance to enhance digestion and absorption

While flooding our veins with important phytochemicals that act like a defense shield against estrogen in the body…

And so much more. Because…

It’s not only packed with the right amount of “green nutrients”…

But it’s also loaded with a superfood formula that can skyrocket anabolic hormones by 540%.
And a unique bundle of herbs that can make boosting testosterone easy!

In Every Dose Of Man Greens…
  • Skyrocket low-t levels higher than they’ve been in years… maybe ever! And experience the muscle, energy, and libido that most guys would crawl over broken glass for…
  • Build a lean physique that catches every eye at the beach and the office with easeWith Man Greens, anyone could upgrade their body and life at the same time.)
  • Add strength, muscle, energy, drive, and peak sexual performance  in secondsdoing little more than lifting a finger! Amazing!
  • NEVER be tired when waking up… miss out on ‘morning wood’…  or be grumpy on the way to work… This impressive blend can provide stamina for high performance day in and day out
  • Get a high-voltage surge of energy that lasts all day long… This unique blend of herbs and greens can stimulate the body’s “power source” in order to go all day long without having to take a breather
  • Jump out of bed each morning feeling well rested and ready to take on the day… The combination of maca and turmeric can help propel anyone into a free fall deep sleep when their head hits the pillow each night
  • Experience a rush of calm and focus throughout the day… (that sense of peace is from the ashwagandha… it can lift brain fog to provide a balanced and clear mind 24/7.)
  • Load up on the “secret sauce” that could transform the Average Joe body to every woman’s dream… (Forskolin can increase the size of muscle across your chest, back and shoulders with just a few sips.)
  • Watch fat melt off in the mirror each day without changing diet habits one bit! A study from University Hospital in Belgium found that men with higher testosterone levels have leaner bellies… (37)
  • Have better sex and fight cancer at the same time! (Horny goat weed does more than give the ability to last longer between the sheets… it’s also high in flavonoids—cancer fighting nutrients—that can help people enjoy a longer and healthier life.) (38)
  • Fuel up on important nutrients that our diets have been missing for years with a rare blue-green algae ingredient… Liverpool University in the UK found this green can awaken the “fountain of youth hormones” in order to look and feel younger… no matter what age! (39)
  • Ever feel sore after weight training or a day of chasing the kids around the park? Never suffer from “exercise regret” again! This unique blend of greens could help the body recover lightning fast from every kind of activity
  • Enjoy rock hard erections and the energy to go all night long if she wants to… (the magic is in the combination of beet root powder and horny goat weed… because it can deliver circulation right to our package so we’re “ready to go” on command.)
  • Flood our body with a rich source of vitamins and minerals from the leaves of an ancient “drumstick tree”… potassium, calcium, vitamin A, protein… get it all in just a few sips!
  • Experience anabolic energy that can improve performance in the gym, the bedroom and the boardroom… A group of Slovakian researchers found more testosterone makes for a more successful man in every environment… (40)
  • Chuck those caffeine pills, energy drinks and pre-workouts that make for a mid-day crash… Instead save wads of cash by never having to spend another dime on “fake energy” ever again.
  • And so much more!
Man Greens is the only supplement that provides this unique way to increase test levels

I mean it…

And I can’t stress enough how convenient that is…

Because not only can Man Greens boost test levels to the max

But it can also help build muscle, burn fat, and skyrocket those energy levels all day long…

Plus, it’s packed with nutrient dense ingredients

So there’s a special dose of vitamins and minerals in every serving…

… without filling our stomachs with fiber that crushes testosterone… or estrogen that most other supplements have…

Imagine never having to buy a multivitamin, test booster, probiotic or anything like it again

That means HUGE savings for you…

So really… there’s only one question left to ask…
Do You Have The Balls To Boost
Your Test Levels By 540%?
I ask because surprisingly, most men don’t…

And the truth is, most guys can’t handle it…

Because boosting their testosterone over 500% in a matter of seconds can be  life changing

Think about it…

Every morning from now on, we could all hike up our testosterone levels higher than they’ve been in years…

Maybe even higher than they’ve ever been… starting from the very first sip
I know that’s a wild thought… But that’s what’s at stake right here and now…

With higher test levels, anyone can naturally add strength and muscle to their frame…

Which means when a buddy needs help moving into his new home…

Or the wife wants to be carried into the bedroom for a night of passionate romance…

There won’t be any excuses

Because now, Man Greens is here to help get the job done right.


More natural energy throughout the day means there’s no excuse for not giving 100%…

There’s no, “I’m too tired to work today.” Or “I don’t have enough gas in the tank for that last rep in the gym.”

The truth is, our testosterone could be firing on all cylinders…

With the chance to pour every ounce of energy into work… family… health… and hobbies…

… without it ever running out…

Up for the challenge?

I think so…

But that’s not all… Man Greens isn’t only about increasing our test…

It’s also about upgrading our sex-drive

I’m not kidding when I say you could be hornier than you were as a teenager

Which means having to reign it in at times…

There may be nights when our partners are too tired for sex… or the mood just isn’t right…

But when they give us the “bedroom wink” we’re ready to go, on command…

To give her the most satisfying sex she’s had in months

Because our test levels and sex drive are higher than ever before…

You could be in for more spontaneous sex too… Because when she sees that lean and ripped body getting dressed for work…

She’ll have a hard time keeping her hands to herself

Can you drop what you’re doing to please her right then and there?

Seriously man, there could be some wild things on the horizon with this newfound surge of testosterone…

Things that not every man is ready for…

A chiseled physique that turns heads… bottomless energy teenage-like sex drive…  

And that’s not all… Imagine waking up every day with the confidence to conquer the world

And the courage to tackle new adventures…

Because having more testosterone in the tank could bring out a forgotten “wild side”…

Which means there’s likely going to be some things we’ve never done before

And may even take interest in hobbies we never thought we’d have…

Because what’s life without being healthy, energized and sure of yourself

This isn’t a bunch of cheap talk, man. Customers who’ve tried Man Greens and experienced that 540% increase in testosterone said…

… “my life instantly changed for the better!”…

And the way I’ve designed this offer… If the experience isn’t absolutely life-changing, we have a year-long money back guarantee…
365-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee
Why keep paying for testosterone pills or supplements that don’t deliver when Man Greens is 100% Risk-Free?

It makes no sense to skip out on this one-time opportunity to test-drive the first ever testosterone-boosting greens formula that upgrades lives after the very first dose.

And it definitely doesn’t make sense to miss out when I’m putting all the risk on me!

I’ve explained everything there is to know about Man Greens: why it’s the best greens + testosterone booster for men, filled with complete doses of natural ingredients to keep our customers strong and healthy with every use.

And I’m so confident with the Man Greens experience that I’m willing to do what no other greens supplement will… put my money where my mouth is…

Listen—I have a lot of respect for our customers, their time, and their money. So if you don’t see the benefits that me and the growing tribe of thousands of Man Green users have, I’ll make a promise that you can take to the bank.

If you don’t:
  • Experience higher test levels and all the benefits that come along with it—like increased libido, focus and drive…
  • Make noticeable gains in muscularity and strength
  • Feel more energized when getting out of bed, or during work…
  • If Man Greens doesn’t upgrade your life in the next 365 days
Then I will personally refund every penny. All one would have to do is send the rest of their unopened bottles back… (see specific details in FAQ section below)… and they’ll receive a refund - no questions asked.

Most supplement companies wouldn’t dare make this kind of promise. But that’s how confident I am in Man Greens.

Take my signature below as a signed agreement between us that I’ll come through on every word.
$79 per Bottle
You Save $50
$69 per Bottle
You Save $180 
$65 per Bottle
You Save $384
Man Greens Works! Don't Just Take it From Me...
"Man Greens is not only delicious, but they work. Within 2 weeks of taking them, my total testosterone rose almost 200 points and my free testosterone rose by 38 points. I will definitely be continuing my use. It's the real deal."

~ Ed Latimore, Pro Boxer, B.A. in Physics

I'm more and more impressed with man greens honestly.
I already started sleeping better and have more energy, in fact,
I didn't drink afternoon coffee yesterday because I didn't need it.

If it works so well in just few days of taking it, I can't wait to see
how well I'll be in a few months.

~ Jack

Loving the product man, I use it to break my fast and it definitely gives me a boost in energy and gets me ready to attack my workout the way I want to. I ordered three bottles and I actually just opened the second one today. I will be reordering as soon as I open the third one. Keep up the good work!


~ Rafael Villasana

Man greens is by far the best supplement that I've ever used. It does exactly what it says. More energy than ever. Sleeping quality is phenomenal. Feel very well balanced. From the first scoop can feel it coursing through the veins. Thanks for making something real. Was well worth the wait.

~ Daniel

I just tried your Man Greens yesterday in my post workout shake.
Holy crap, I completely underestimated the power of your supplement. The second I started drinking it I Immediately felt a swift change in my body. My veins started to pop my facial features became more prominent & my confidence was through the roof.

While the taste isn't perfect it's pretty obvious you didn't add any sweeteners or flavouring.
As someone who is very skeptical about purchasing overseas supplements I can safely say that yours is one that will never be forgotten. I will definitely be buying from you again.
I highly encourage anyone reading this on social media to try this as it will completely change your perspective on life.

Impressive stuff. They’re not wrong about it being ‘Testosterone in a glass’. Within seconds of taking it you can feel the effects. It gives you a nice boost in the morning and increases T. And it also tastes great. Grab yourself a bottle and see for yourself

~ Lou

After taking Man Greens for about 3 weeks I noticed a big difference in my overall demeanor, my drive, and my focus. With no dietary change I began to burn body fat and lost 1.5” in my waist with zero decrease in strength. My libido, my vigor, and my assertiveness in my professional life dramatically increased as well! I was super-impressed enough to order a 1 year supply so I’d have plenty. Customer service was outstanding and quick, as they helped me navigate through a minor technical glitch when I placed my order (tech isn’t perfect, it happens!).

As a 51 y/o man I feel that none of this would’ve been possible without supplementing Man Greens as part of a clean diet and rigorous strength program. More men need to know about this ‘unfair advantage!’

Thanks so much Chad for your hard work in creating the perfect green formula for men!!
~ Brian Williamson

You Have 2 Options On Where To Go From Here
do nothing.
Keep on the path we’ve been going down for years…

With below average testosterone levels…

And continue to under-perform because of it… and miss out on all that life has to offer…

Because when our test levels are low, our quality of life is low
It’s as simple as that.
When looking in the mirror it’s easy to notice our muscles getting soft and flabby over time

And fat will store in greater amounts around the belly…

Chances are… ¼ men will get an embarrassing case of gynecomastia in their lifetime… also known as “man boobs”

Because our body is sucking in estrogen right now from things like our phones, deodorant and even the toothpaste we use in the morning…

Estrogen contamination is the proven cause of man boobs and other humiliating conditions like it… (41)

It becomes easy to be self-conscious and hide our body with a large shirt… especially if we want our colleagues or boss to take us seriously…

Because even though they may not say it… they have little respect for a guy who looks like he can’t take care of himself.

It’s hard to imagine…  Losing all the respect and status we’ve worked so hard for… all from passing on Man Greens…  

Without a major and natural testosterone boost that’s what could happen…  

Because with every passing day we get more out of shape…

Plus… our partners find us less attractive the more out of shape we get…

And we can’t blame them… Because we probably wouldn’t be thrilled if they “let themselves go” either…

She says looks aren't very important to her… and she’ll love y our body no matter what…

But it’s nard not to notice that sex becomes less frequent… and she no longer asks to “rock her world” like she used to…

And even if she does… it’s impossible to have the sex drive to satisfy her anyways

Because with little testosterone it’s hard to have the energy to last… or even get started.

Think of how humiliating that would be… our partners losing their sexual attraction to us because we fell out of shape…

… and even if they can push past the fact that we’re not in the best shape anymore, and want to play in the bedroom…

WE can’t deliver…

C’mon, now… that’s the last thing we’d want, right?

It only gets worse from there too… Because…

Our confidence starts to drop…

And of everything we go through, this may be the worst of it…

Because there’s nothing worse for a man than feeling like he’s lost… or that he doesn’t “have what it takes”…

Then slipping into depression and wondering how we let it get this far…

And kicking ourselves when we realize we could have changed the course of our lives from this very moment

I don’t want any man to hit the end of their rope before deciding to purchase Man Greens…

I’ve seen too many guys take option #1, man. It’s a path they slowly, over time, learn to regret.  

Instead… go with the next option…
Starting today, you could change your life for the better

And it all starts with Man Greens…

Because that crazy test boost makes for an experience most guys would crawl over broken glass for

Except there’s no jumping through hoops or starting any dangerous treatments to do it…

It’s easy to skyrocket testosterone, muscle, strength and libido for less than the cost of a tub of protein at GNC

From the very first delicious sip of Man Greens, it’s easy to fall in love with how powerful it feels…  

Because awakening anabolic hormones that’ve been sleeping for years…

And fueling up on energy and strength means anyone can feel like they can take on any challenge…

Plus… imagine that strut into work with a fresh air of confidence… Because the ingredients in Man Greens can reduce anxiety and fear

… and replace it with drive, motivation, and unshakable grit…

To tackle every task with ease… Whether it’s a huge project that puts us next in line for that big promotion…

Or making an important decision for the future of the business…

All doubts could be cast aside in order to perform at the highest level… simply by fueling up with Man Greens in the morning…

Plus, while colleagues are suffering from afternoon crashes, we’ll still be going strong…

And will crank out work faster than ever before…

Think about that…

After just a few sips of Man Greens, having a potentially “unfair” edge over every guy at the office

Plus, there's no more suffering from estrogen contamination like they do… Because our body’s will be filled with a fresh batch of phytonutrients every morning…

And that’s not all… because that 540% testosterone boost could produce wickedly effective results in the gym

It’s easy to pack on muscle faster than any of the other guys our age…

It’s possible that even the young bucks won’t be able to keep up! Show off rippling muscle and vascularity from head to toe…

Because not only can the testosterone boost make us stronger and leaner… but since it also improves blood flow, it’s effortless to get a pump that catches every eye in the gym

And flips on a “desire switch” that makes even women who are “out of our league” picture us naked

Still have plenty of energy left in the tank, even after a long day of work.

Walking through the door in a great mood… proud of that day's accomplishments

Having a clear and anxious-free mind… so we can give our partners the attention they deserve…

Girls tend to swoon for guys with high energy, a positive mood, and confidence and it makes it hard to stop herself…

From leading us to the bedroom… teasing and giggling along the way

When she gets naked her mouth will drop wide open… unable to take her eyes off that ripped physique…

She’ll be even more excited when she sees how hard it gets “down there”.

And when she thinks the night couldn’t get any more amazing, satisfy her every desire

All from one gulp of Man Greens in the morning

Sleep like a baby when it’s time for “lights out.”

No racing thoughts… no worrying about tomorrow…

Achieve picture-perfect hormonal balance that helps with staying cool, calm and collected at every hour

Clunk out only moments after hitting the pillow, falling into a deep, restful sleep

And while dreaming, our bodies will be churning out testosterone for the next day…

In the mornings, feel the excitement of taking on the day… and have tons of energy to get the job done…

Chug some Man Greens and get back to it…

All of this and more is available right here and now…

And completely risk-free. Because when buying Man Greens today, there’s a 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

So don’t wait any longer. This is the moment

All that’s left to do is…
$79 per Bottle
You Save $50
$69 per Bottle
You Save $180 
$65 per Bottle
You Save $384
Be Legendary,
Chad Howse, Founder
P.S. Want to learn how to boost testosterone by 540%, burn fat, increase strength, muscle and energy? click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this greens formula for men who want to thrive in every area of life with upgraded test levels. So stop waiting! Choose the best package above and get Man Greens delivered right away.
P.P.S. Don’t forget. There’s nothing to lose when purchasing the Man Greens package today. It’s backed by my 365-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If this natural greens powder doesn’t work, email me to get every penny back. Just send the unopened bottles and I’ll make it right.
$79 per Bottle
You Save $50
$69 per Bottle
You Save $180 
$65 per Bottle
You Save $384
Questions About Man Greens?
$79 per Bottle
You Save $50
$69 per Bottle
You Save $180 
$65 per Bottle
You Save $384
Scientific References
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